Well I know you all have you beliefs and whatever but imma break it down. First of all it's not just wet and dry brushing it is the brush that you choose to wet or dry brush with, example. Wet and dry brushing with a soft brush will yield different results.
Wet/ Dry Brushing with a Hard Brush
Wet brushing with a hard brush would be best for wolfing, and it helps connections because your hair is at its weakest point when wet, and the hard brush catches every strand down to the root. Dry brushing with a hard brush would be good to work on depth when wolfing because the brush is ripping the strands of hair to make that wave. Dry brushing with a hard brush would also be good for a lower cut (2 guard ATG) because it will force the little strands of hair to conform to your brushing pattern and straighten out those waves.
Wet/ Dry Brushing with a Soft Brush
Wet brushing with a softie is perfect for lower cuts ( 2 guard ATG) because it concentrates on the strands of hair (or sections of hair) that haven't conformed to your wave pattern, so it helps fox those 'disconnections' as you go deep into wolfing. Dry brushing brushing with a soft brush helps lay your hair down when wolfing because it just brushes that top layer and at lower cuts it reinforces your pattern so you can work on your depth when wolfing.
Wet/ Dry Brushing with a Medium
Basically, wet and dry brushing is an 'in-between' stage between wet and dry brushing with a softie and a hard brush. The medium does everything the soft brush does but it also does the same thing as a hard brush does, but it doesn't do them as well as a hard brush or a softie.
Hope this makes sense. Comment!